Curology Review

When I started working in July my skin took a turn. I’ve never had skin issues and so I never really had a routine, and maybe that’s apart of the problem. I hate zits, so when I see one, I can’t leave it be. I pick and it usually gets worse. Anyways, about two months ago, after months of seeing Curology on my feed I decided to sign up for a trial.

The trial is free, is delivered fast and comes in a cute white box, all you have to do is answer a few questions. Sounds awesome right?! After a month of the free trial and little progress, I decided to give it another round. Maybe I’m doing something wrong, maybe I’m not taking off my makeup all the way, who knows. Another month goes by and I feel itchy immediately after use and my skin starts to react to things it hasn’t reacted to before. My skin is actually getting worse.

I sent them pictures of my skin as it progressed but honestly I was just over it, I hate having an itchy face, and immediately after I stopped using my face cleared. I’m slightly confused about this because I don’t know if the two months of use was the cause of the clarity or the stoppage.

Needless to say, this is a short review because it lasted so little time. I didn’t like my experience with Curology but I’ve seen that it’s helped a lot of other people.

If I had to say yes or no, I’d say try it. Give it some time if you’ve been thinking about it. The price isn’t bad, but it’s also the same amount as Proactiv, another brand I know works really well for some people. Don’t give up, keep trying different things and eliminate or include things you need to (like more water, less carbs/fried food, different brands of makeup or makeup remover, etc.).

Hope this helps!


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