TTC and Beyond!

Disney reference..did you pick that up? 🤣

So if you don’t know what TTC is, it means “trying to conceive” and for me and so many others it’s a word that stuck around a little longer than expected.

Seven months ago I thought about the idea of trying for another baby. I had my first two close and my daughter was already a few months past the point where we were when we got pregnant for a second time, meaning she would be closer to three or even four years old by the time we had our third baby depending on how long it took to get pregnant. I figured that would be pretty fast process (conceiving) and it dawned on me that we only have a three bedroom house. We were just getting comfortable, so I ultimately decided we should wait. I said to my sister on New Year’s Eve that I wouldn’t mind if it took longer for us to conceive our third because our first two happened so fast, and that was that.

About a month later the ache of announcing we wouldn’t be having anymore any time soon was still there, as was my endometriosis. It made me worried about fertility long term and I realized I really don’t want to wait, so I began talking about it with Dylan. He’s a lot more reserved than I am, but nonetheless knew he wanted to have another one too.

Months go by of not trying but trying, and nothing happened. This is the first time that’s ever happened and it hurts. A lot more than I was expecting. Every month I was careful, thinking this would be my last drink or last piece of sushi, filled with anticipation only to see negative tests.

Two months ago I decided to go back to my roots and start trying with more intention, relaxing and using holistic medicine. The first thing I did was buy royal jelly.


When I got pregnant with Liam I was using royal jelly so this was something I thought of instantly to try to help me get to my optimum fertility, however it’s definitely worth it for more reasons than just pregnancy. Think of it like a vitamin in honey form. The honey is thick and tastes like the earth. It’s not the kind of honey you would put in tea (as I so regularly did), but to be put in 2 tbsp luke warm water only warm enough to make the honey liquify. I learned that the hot water breaks down the compounds of he honey, however it must still work to some degree because I didn’t learn that little tidbit until recently.

I stopped using ovulation strips. I know a lot of women swear by those but for me they cause stress. Testing yourself every day and seeing negative or confusing results, really just focusing on it that hard, it’s just not good. It wasn’t for me anyways.

Thats a negative ovulation strip that looks positive. It’s too much!

I started to pray. Every day. I put my hand on my womb and I prayed. Whether you believe in God or who/whatever, we manifest is everything in our life, so I would speak it out and pray for this miracle to happen to me. Sometimes it would make me cry, but it also made me feel heard.

I wrote in a local moms blog asking for advice and received this: wait until I miss a cycle to take a test, because I had continually been doing that before the month was out and getting upset at myself for negative results. Many said to wait, to stop testing in general, so I did.

At my daughter’s baptism, while completely happy, slightly tipsy and enjoying what will be my last drink in a long long time, my mom said “I bet you you’re already pregnant”
I believe in God’s will, timing and signs, so that next morning I reluctantly but also trustingly went out to get a cheap 88 cent test.

(and then about a dozen others)

With no gut feeling of being pregnant, no symptoms, just being fully happy and willing to accept a negative result with no consequence, I got my positive.

We got our little miracle.


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