Anxiety & Pregnancy

Being pregnant is bittersweet, you’re the happiest you’ve ever been but also filled with the most hormones you’ll ever have. For me, pregnancy is very grounding, it’s very intense, internal and spiritual. A time where my mind and body like to hermit. Simple things become taxing and I really narrow down the vital parts of my life.

As with both previous pregnancies, this pregnancy I suffer from something called hyperemesis gravidarum which is basically a fancy word for being constantly nauseous and/or throwing up for hours. It started at five weeks and I was devastated because it’s something I was praying wouldn’t happen again. I cried because I was angry, and exhausted. My daughter is only two and it feels like just yesterday I was doing this. 

When my son was born I developed severe anxiety, it likes to come and go as it pleases but I have triggers. Being excited or nervous or scared can send me into a spiral that, without a LOT of help, can end with me in the hospital with an IV for dehydration. Hours and hours of being sick, all from being nervous about something. Many don’t understand and it’s hard, it makes me feel like I’m a waste and that I should be able to control this but I can’t. When I’m pregnant, all of these feelings multiply exponentially. Feelings of extreme happiness for this new life not only growing inside me but for my family’s future, extreme nervousness for the thoughts of losing that precious life unexpectedly or for a birth that I cannot have at home for whatever reason, extreme fear for being sick and how long it will last...the list could go on forever and it makes my heart hurt, hurt for my health and what my unnecessary stress is doing, hurt for my baby growing, hurt for my kids who need me to be present and my husband who misses his wife. 

While I wish I could make a post with amazing remedies for anxiety that give me complete relief, I can only say what I’ve tried that has helped me. I still suffer every day but know that what I’m feeling is temporary, so I have chosen to not take over the counter medication to control my anxiety attacks. This is not a choice everyone will like or make for themselves, however it’s the choice I’ve made. 

Feeling safe. 

You probably have a space where you feel most comfortable in your house, mine happens to be my bathroom in my shower. I feel safest when I’m in a nice warm shower where I can let the water splash my face and take my mind off of things. I open my window and let the air and steam fill my lungs, it’s almost immediate relief for some of my most severe nausea as well. 


Finding a playlist to listen to while I’m feeling sick or having anxiety has helped me so much. I switch out songs and they’re completely random but they work for me. I can sway my hips to them and I know all the words so my mind is more focused on that. 

Essential oils/familiar smells.

Lavender oil, chamomile, rose, geranium, peppermint, and my personal favorite “gentle baby” blend by Young Living. Not a distributor, not an ad, seriously just love that oil. I huff it like a crazy person when I’m at work and someone orders food that smells horrible. Familiar smells can help tremendously in calming me down. 


Again, not everyone will like or choose this route for themselves however I have two extremely healthy bright children that I have gently used CBD oil during my pregnancy to help with my anxiety and know that it helps me. There are a million legal options such as gummies and tinctures that you can try if you’re interested.

 Physical touch.

I’m very lucky to have someone that’s able to help me with this one. Physical stimulation such a rubbing my scalp, neck or back while I’m feeling anxiety is amazing relief for me, sometimes I have to wake Dylan up in the middle of the night or keep him up late if I’m very sick just so he can rub my legs or back. Your mind is a powerful thing and when your body is being touched it’s hard to think about anything else. “The transfer of energy” as my husband likes to call it, and I very much believe it. Feeling anxiety and sickness is horrible but the fact that his touch can replace the scariest feelings is something I think is such a special bond between us and I’m very grateful to have found that.

Proper sleep.

It seems obvious but when my mind is overworked I know my anxiety is worse. I push myself really hard with my lack of sleep, having two toddlers, and with being sick and having a relatively lackluster diet. I recognize the days I nap or have a freak miracle sleep at night that my anxiety is lessened. Getting that good sleep is extremely important even if it’s an hour here and an hour there.

Welp, I think that’s all for now. I hope this little list of things helps you as much as it has me and if you have any natural remedies that have helped you, please comment & share! ♥️


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