Second Trimester Update

This trimester has been both amazing and challenging. I’m happy to say my fears of having a second girl have subsided and I’m now truly excited and happy when I imagine either joining our family. Gender disappointment is such a hard thing to overcome as a new parent (whether it’s your first, third or tenth time) and I definitely felt stress about it so I’m thankful that’s gone.

After a few weeks into my second trimester I feel like I both gained and lost control a bit. No longer being upset about potentially having a second girl is a huge weight off my shoulders and a step in the right direction but I’m still going through constant sickness. Months of being debilitatingly sick is something I can’t even describe as far as your mental state goes but then one day I decided I wasn’t going to be upset about it. When I would wake up in the middle of the night I tried to shift my thoughts from being angry at another sleepless night to appreciating the time my baby and I are spending alone together, just quietly being. It helped for a few weeks and my nausea was even getting better for a few days at a time. I guess I thought I was out of the thick of it so when it came back with a vengeance on Halloween and ruined our trip I kind of lost it again. I’m so sensitive with this pregnancy and the amount of aloneness I feel even with a husband and two kids has been a lot for me. Since then I’ve been sick off and on, sometimes for a few days it will be so bad I need to call for help, other days I feel pretty good and manage okay. People ask how I am all the time and sometimes I find myself getting upset or answering sarcastically, “I never feel okay, thanks for asking”
I’ve had to catch my attitude a few times and it’s embarrassing. I know I’m not the person I once was because I feel so bad almost all the time but it’s hard to control.

Oh and anyone wondering about sex..ya that’s been a nightmare. If I’m not sick or too tired to open my eyes the kids are around. I fucking miss my husband.

I found some foods this trimester that have really helped and am extremely grateful for that. I’ve never had such a picky baby! We love green smoothies, popsicles, oatmeal, dried fruits, applesauce, goat cheese, nuts and the occasional meal that smells good at that very point in time but probably no other time else, nothing creamy, no tomato ANYTHING (or really anything with high acidity as my acid reflux is killller), nothing oily or’s been crazy but I know this babe will be more than worth it.

To pass the short time we have left we’ve been focusing mostly on getting the house and furniture right for the new baby. We’re going to build our own bed, co-sleeper for baby and are redoing our bathroom! All with one trimester left! I’m slightly worried about the load but we have to get rid of some things to make room and I honestly feel really good about it all. I’m excited about having baby in our room for a while, there’s no possible way my sleep could get worse so I’m quite looking forward to waking up with a baby at this point lol

One more trimester guys. One more. We’re almost there baby.


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